Sunday, 30 June 2024

JUNE 2024

Snoozing with Teddy!  There is nothing better after a long run in the fields, a splash in the lake and a ride home in the jalopy.  Then search the garden for wherever I left my dear friend Teddy, pick him up carefully by the ear and smooch around to find a suitable place to collapse with him and catch a few Z’s. 


This is a favourite pastime of mine and usually I am left to enjoy my dreams unless certain biological type events overtake the situation when the Mrs either trips over me because I am laying in the way or my flatulence escapes and causes her to evict me from the vicinity toute suite!


I don’t know how I get away with dozing after exercise so easily cos when the Boss does the same after his long walk on the golf course, a few splashes in the lake after a long drive (golfers speak) and a ride home in his transport the Mrs gets a bit antsy when he crashes in the chair and spends the afternoon catching Z’s.  Must be cos I’m so sweet but the Boss takes sugar in his tea……..


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I wish a Happy New Year to you all with plenty of food and a lot of walks. Christmas was a very happy family affair here and I am pleased t...