Wednesday, 31 May 2023

MAY 2023

Teddy!  Or whats left of him..hes my buddy, my comfort and my playmate.  Getting thinner by the day he can be trailed all around the garden to play, returned to my kennel for snoozing with, or alternatively be left out in the rain to get a good soaking but whatever state he is in he never fails to be my friend.

Originally I believe he belonged to one of the elder of the miniatures but they never really bonded so when I came upon the scene Teddy was given to me.  He loves a good tussle but is also quite happy to have a good cuddle.

I have successfully removed most of his torso as his weight was a little on the heavy side especially when wet.  He never complained but when I first decided to reduce his circumference the Mrs was not pleased at having to comb the garden every so often collecting  bits of white fluff from every corner.  She considered it a mess whereas I thought it looked quite pretty. At first she tried to fatten Teddy up again by stuffing it back inside him and sewing him up but I was much more successful at reducing Teddys weight than the Mrs has ever been trying to reduce hers (a sore subject in this household) so she has now become resigned to Teddys  svelt form.  I have been threatened that if I remove any more from Teddy he will be unable to play with me anymore.  He does look a little deflated now so I have left his limbs in tact so that we can have a good game of hauling him round the garden but the Mrs has refused to allow me to invite him indoors as she says his aroma is worse than mine and he is for outdoor play only.  The Boss thinks I am a big baby for setting such store on a playmate when I have himself to entertain me but I like to keep my options open for when the Boss is resting his eyes or training them on the square box indoors then my Teddy is there, ready and waiting to play.


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I wish a Happy New Year to you all with plenty of food and a lot of walks. Christmas was a very happy family affair here and I am pleased t...