Thursday, 31 October 2024


Caught napping!  Sometimes I just need some down time and the Boss and Mrs readily agree that the idea is a good one and I should just lie down and close my eyes for a while.  Sometimes if I open one eye I spot them taking the opportunity to do the same.  Here I am snoozing with my favourite toy Bun-Buns – a bit of a baby name for her but then I am still under three and entitled to a playful childhood. 

Once Bun-Buns was mistaken for a real live rabbit sitting in the far corner of the field and cries of excitement were heard from new friends who hadn’t seen her before and didn’t realise she was my plaything. She happened to be sitting in a very lifelike pose where I had flung her and, when I barreled forwards, pounced and threw her in the air ready for more play, screams of distress were heard until I brought her back to show them. Giggles and sighs of relief were heard all round after they realised she was my stuffed toy.

I was a little shocked that they thought I would treat game in that manner, after all I am trained!  I retrieve, fetch and carry all game carefully and deposit it at the Boss’s feet without damage.  Bun-Buns is a bit of light relief, a jolly good playmate and a soft cushion when I need a bit of shut eye. 



I wish a Happy New Year to you all with plenty of food and a lot of walks. Christmas was a very happy family affair here and I am pleased t...