Friday, 31 May 2024

MAY 2024

Water, water everywhere.  Even I, who never really minds being outside in the rain or plunging into water of any temperature, have found the continuous downpour a bit much.  The grounds are really squelchy and the lake is overflowing on the spillway like Niagara Falls. The Boss and the Mrs decline to venture outside much in the inclement weather as do all the other members of this tiny hamlet where I spend my holidays.  Not another dog in sight and only cows that brave the rain and stare at me from the other side of the fence.

The upside is I can lie beside the roaring fire and toast my tummy, occasionally rolling over to warm the other side some warmth.  Alas among the good things in life there is always a situation that doesn't go to plan.....dinner time.  I have been relaxing with the Boss in front of the fire enjoying the heat but now I want him to wake up and open the door so i can retrieve my dinner bowl from the rain-soaked garden.  My tummy is telling me it is time for my dinner, but his eyes are still closed and his breathing too even for him to be aware of my hunger and the Mrs is not around to give him a nudge so I have no alternative but to gently lean on his foot to bring him back to awareness of my plight and have patience to wait for his tummy to tell him the same as mine.



I wish a Happy New Year to you all with plenty of food and a lot of walks. Christmas was a very happy family affair here and I am pleased t...