Thursday, 31 March 2022

April 2022

BEAUREGARD’S BLOG:    Since I last spoke to you I am feeling a lot more confident around the house and garden and the Boss says I have got a lot heavier.  He knows this as I sit on his lap most evenings watching the box on the wall while the Mrs complains about yet another repeat episode of Last of the Summer Wine.  The Boss smiles to himself while clutching the TV controller and I am content as long as he continues tickling my ears.

To keep me occupied I have also accumulated a number of toys, some of which I have been given, some found, and some which the Mrs confiscates because she says they are bits of the garden which should not be brought in doors.  They look like toys to me and I have great fun shredding, chewing and generally demolishing them, after which the Mrs descends upon me with dustpan and brush and I am persuaded to remove myself from indoors to outdoors.

This yellow ball was a found object in the garden but one the Mrs did not seem to mind me playing with.  The snapshot here is the first time I played with it and I found a hole in the top which seemed to blow air at me when I pushed it with my nose or tried to pick it up in my mouth.  I soon got the hang of the game but after a long play chasing it around the garden, grabbing , chewing and biting it as hard as I could, it changed into a flat pancake and lost the ability to roll.   The Boss watches with amusement as the Mrs saves the day each time this happens by finding a straw to fit into the hole and blows hard to return it to its original shape.  She says she is definitely not letting her chops touch it after mine have - hence the straw but once it is round again she is not averse to throwing it for me to fetch so that I can start the game all over again.  She said occasionally some things filled with hot air need to be gradually deflated and as the Boss is so keen on repeat episodes so the game goes on



I wish a Happy New Year to you all with plenty of food and a lot of walks. Christmas was a very happy family affair here and I am pleased t...