Friday, 31 January 2025


I wish a Happy New Year to you all with plenty of food and a lot of walks.

Christmas was a very happy family affair here and I am pleased to say I had a little playmate to share the day with. Cookie the Border Terrier came over. We have a love/hate relationship. I love her and she hates me but I am immune as I don’t believe anyone can hate me as I am so lovable. Here I am just trying to rip the wrapping from my Christmas present which turned out to be a tasty chew in the shape of a bone. I said my thankyous in the time honoured way with a big lick and a wagging tail and an immediate devouring of my delicious gift before Cookie found it. In roughly 10 seconds I had scarfed the lot and it was delicious. I began rummaging through the myriad wrappings scattered over the entire floor in case Cookie had been given one which she may have mislaid…. Nothing doing, apparently she had eaten hers too but happily there seemed to be some turkey left which was donated to my dish and also tasted as good as the gift. The Boss received some soft suede slippers trimmed inside with sheep skin which I quite envied but after a good perusal I decided my sleek fur paws with their hardy pads and sophisticated black nails were far superior, especially as I can keep them on all the time – no need for this constant change of footwear.

I sometimes hear the Mrs exclaiming about footwear the Boss has on indoors – especially if he has just come in from the garden without changing them! Luckily my paws seem to be self-cleaning as I never leave dirty footprints on the floor – at least I don’t think so…….

It must be such a drag having to have so many different pairs of footwear and having to make decisions all the time on which pair to put on. I often hear the Boss asking the Mrs if she needs to have quite so many to choose from, but she says it is quite necessary – as necessary as it is for him to have four pairs of wellington boots…… I gaze into his eyes, telepathically telling him to discontinue that conversation! At least they only have two feet to worry about – I count my lucky stars that I don’t need any at all - can you imagine four of everything.

Saturday, 30 November 2024


No I am not begging, that is not allowed – I am merely waiting patiently for the Mrs to cut the rind off her cheese.  For some reason she does not eat that part and as a special treat I am allowed to be the chief taster…..

I am sitting on the wall that the Boss built around the new front patio and it is just the right level to view the table top which holds the cheese along with the rest of the lunch. The Mrs continually tries to train me to say cheese but so far the lips, larynx and tongue do not cooperate for it to be pronounced by me, but the word is well known in my mind.  I fact sometimes at lunch time I cannot get the word cheese out of my mind until the rind is removed and donated.

There are other words that I know which I have to obey like “Come”, “Sit”, “No” “Bed” “Lay Down”, “Stay”.  There are also words which the Mrs uses with a sniff…..“Stinky” is one of them and when uttered I have to quietly leave the room until the Boss calls me back and says I don’t!!  He is worried I may get a phobia so I know I am good for a pat and a stroke from him if the stinky word comes out!

The Boss and Mrs use many, many words between themselves and sometimes I catch on to what is being discussed but mostly with my limited vocabulary my instinct kicks in and I do what dogs do – eat, sleep and enjoy life, especially when “Cheese” is on the scene.


Thursday, 31 October 2024


Caught napping!  Sometimes I just need some down time and the Boss and Mrs readily agree that the idea is a good one and I should just lie down and close my eyes for a while.  Sometimes if I open one eye I spot them taking the opportunity to do the same.  Here I am snoozing with my favourite toy Bun-Buns – a bit of a baby name for her but then I am still under three and entitled to a playful childhood. 

Once Bun-Buns was mistaken for a real live rabbit sitting in the far corner of the field and cries of excitement were heard from new friends who hadn’t seen her before and didn’t realise she was my plaything. She happened to be sitting in a very lifelike pose where I had flung her and, when I barreled forwards, pounced and threw her in the air ready for more play, screams of distress were heard until I brought her back to show them. Giggles and sighs of relief were heard all round after they realised she was my stuffed toy.

I was a little shocked that they thought I would treat game in that manner, after all I am trained!  I retrieve, fetch and carry all game carefully and deposit it at the Boss’s feet without damage.  Bun-Buns is a bit of light relief, a jolly good playmate and a soft cushion when I need a bit of shut eye. 


Monday, 30 September 2024


The things a dog has to do!  The Mrs has been at the brushes again – the ones on sticks that I am not allowed to chew! 

My dearest French friend Frédéric (commonly known as Frédo) (pronounced Fraydoh) invited us all to watch the combine harvester cut the field of corn belonging to his family.  In fact we all turned out, our visitors, his family and Frédo, being inordinately keen on big machines of any sort – tractors, harvesters, balers, etc – you get the picture – asked the Mrs is she would do another painting for him - of the “batteuse”.  This will be a gift to say thank you for all the friendship and generosity his family shows us, me included.  She has previously completed paintings of himself, his tractor, his log splitter, the family dog and their house.   All the family work on farms or with wood and I recognise the sound of his tractor coming up the road now, so I know when to look out for him and get a friendly pat. 

The Mrs takes a few days to complete the painting and I helped, of course, by jogging her occasionally when I felt she had been sitting too long in the same position.  She knows I am right and reluctantly leaves the easel for a stretch and a bit of playing with me and my favourite tennis ball.   She wants a photo of her work so gets her own back for my jogging her by getting me to sit very still for quite some time so she can lean it against me in the best light by the window and take a snap.   I think I look quite handsome, the combine's not too bad and Frédo was so pleased with his painting he gave me extra pats.


Monday, 5 August 2024

Wednesday, 31 July 2024



I am preparing for the holidays: sun hat, sun specs, nails done, ears done, bathed, brushed and perfumed and ready to accompany the Boss in his transport to spend some time in a foreign land.  I have yet to pack my mate Teddy and my favourite blanket but I am sure the Mrs will take care of that for me.

The Mrs mentioned having her nails done too but not at the same grooming spa I went to.  The Boss said he wanted to take some nails and a hammer too, in case he needed to mend something, but completely missed the point when we mentioned manicure and polish….

By the time you read this I shall probably have returned home with only distant memories of baguettes, bones and bonjours but I shall have the shooting season to look forward to with lots of exercise and restocking of the freezer with game I have retrieved.

My kindest regards to you and I do hope you have had a good summer holiday too.

Sunday, 30 June 2024

JUNE 2024

Snoozing with Teddy!  There is nothing better after a long run in the fields, a splash in the lake and a ride home in the jalopy.  Then search the garden for wherever I left my dear friend Teddy, pick him up carefully by the ear and smooch around to find a suitable place to collapse with him and catch a few Z’s. 


This is a favourite pastime of mine and usually I am left to enjoy my dreams unless certain biological type events overtake the situation when the Mrs either trips over me because I am laying in the way or my flatulence escapes and causes her to evict me from the vicinity toute suite!


I don’t know how I get away with dozing after exercise so easily cos when the Boss does the same after his long walk on the golf course, a few splashes in the lake after a long drive (golfers speak) and a ride home in his transport the Mrs gets a bit antsy when he crashes in the chair and spends the afternoon catching Z’s.  Must be cos I’m so sweet but the Boss takes sugar in his tea……..



I wish a Happy New Year to you all with plenty of food and a lot of walks. Christmas was a very happy family affair here and I am pleased t...